Reviewing More Steam Games [October 2024, Part 3]
Thanks to the developer of Bubble Frog DX for the free Steam key through the Steam curator program. It’s by a solo developer (Timbo Johnson) and is designed as a Gameboy Color inspired game made in GB Studio.
For a Gameboy Color game, it looks and sounds great. Keyboard controls are a bit touchy, but it’s not entirely clear whether the touchiness is a result of using the keyboard or a purposeful design characteristic. It’s a game with quite a bit of challenge, multiple modes of difficulty, but many levels have the ability to be completed without obtaining all of the items. Depending on your goals with the game, it can range from moderately to extremely challenging.
It’s a simple game but it’s surprisingly fairly good and has replay value. SCORE: 4/5
2024 Rankings (October only)
Top Tier Games / Highly Recommended
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Good Games / Recommended
- Asteroids ++ (4/5)
- Bubble Frog DX (4/5)
Borderline / Borderline Recommended
2. Super Raft Boat Classic (3/5)
3. Fantasy World Souls (2.5/5)