Is It Any Good? Steam Review for Andarilho

Aun Collective
2 min readOct 27, 2022

For those who are well-versed in bargain bin Steam games, the developer-publisher SC Jugos might be familiar. If not, the Barro racing series might ring a bell. Barro is a racing game series heavily-based on Unity Mini Race Creator kit. Unlike most asset flips of that kit, Barro at least incorporates some changes. Did they do the same with Andarilho?

Andarilho is an early access survival game on Steam. Despite five years in Steam, it remains an early access title: early access per the store page and in general level of completeness. It functions and it contains stuff to do generally in-line with the survival genre, but it lacks any cohesive raison d’etre. Merely being less of an asset flip or scam than Survive the Island is insufficient.

This title seems to share a common ancestor with Dead Inside, a survival game kit available on the Unity store. Unfortunately, Dead Inside and other games by berdyev are no longer on Steam. Unfortunate for the purpose of comparison, but not so much for potential buyers.

This is better than Dead Inside simply because it spent more time adding content, but the content added isn’t sufficient to warrant a purchase. It may have graduated from asset flip to asset-reliant mess, but that’s no reason to fork over your cash.



Aun Collective

We are a game preservationist, archivist, design and writing collective, focusing on multiplayer and massively multiplayer games. Also music preservation!