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America is the Best.. in CSA
NOTE: The comparisons are made using data available from Wikipedia,, and percentages from an International Business Times article from 2010. It is used to illustrate the scope of the issue generally and specific conclusions are likely to vary to some degree if a high quality 2024 data set were to be used. Even the most favorable data (least number of victims and highest population counts) portray a similar, albeit less extreme, severity.*
American exceptionalism is always touted around presidential elections, but some people wonder what it is precisely that America is so exceptionally great at. It’s not it’s K-12 educational system, although it is still better than most places in the world. It’s not it’s social welfare systems or how well it addresses poverty and related issues. It’s definitely not the most unified nation of people in the world nor is it the most welcoming to immigrants. USA does have the largest military budget of the world and is a major force in the world economy, but there has to be something else that it’s best at, right? Perhaps an aspect of the sociocultural experience of being an American?
After much digging and noticing that USA fell a few rungs down the ladder and is no longer the leader in per capita prison population, I managed to find one area that USA still exceeds almost all of the world: child sexual victimization.
I won’t be going over the sociological factors leading to this trend or any specifics. I’ll merely be putting the pervasiveness of child sexual…